Ulrike’s Jalapeño/Habernaro Cheddar Cheese Loaf…

🌞Good sunshiny happy morning! ☕
🥖Baked this wonderful treasure up yesterday for a neighbor… and oh its been a while since I’ve made 🔥Jalepeno/Habernaro🔥 with Cheddar Cheese loaf. The aroma was tantalizing… I’m amazed the loaf made it to the neighbors…🥰

Made with the foodbod master recipe

Jalepeno/Habernaro Cheddar Cheese Loaf

🌶Water (filtered) 345gms
🌶Starter 60gms (100% hydration)
🌶Jalepeno/Habernaro (fresh and roughly chopped)118gms
(Includes 2 sm Habernaro)
🌶Whole wheat 200gms
🌶Cdn All Purpose (unbleached) 200gms
🌶Durum Wheat 100gms
🌶Salt 9gms 
🌶Cheddar Cheese cubed 126gms 

First weigh and coarse chop your fresh peppers.
Cut up your cheese into small cubes.
Now we’re ready…👏
🌞7:30am Mix everything but the cheese roughly together so that there is no dry flour left. Cover and let your dough rest about an hour.
🌞8:45am Do about 25-30 vigorous stretch and folds, then roughly over the next 1.5 hours do 2 sets of stretch and folds around the bowl.
🌞11:30am Turn dough out onto a lightly misted counter, lightly wet your hands and gently stretch out dough (lamination) as if for Cinnamon rolls… if it insists on being stubborn, let it rest a bit (about 5-10min) then go at it again. Once you have it stretched out… doesn’t have to be too thin…distribute your Cheese over it evenly and fold in thirds and then thirds again… gently shape into a ball and put it back into the bowl for its counter bulk proof. (Fig 1 & 2)
🌛7:30pm Gently counter shaped the dough into desired shape and put into a banneton. And into the fridge overnight for its cold ferment. (Fig 3)
🌞9:30 am next morning, step back and admire your hard work … 😀 … the whole thing took approximately 15.5hrs of creation.
Cold Bake at 455°F for 55minutes, I added another 5 minutes direct on the oven rack to get that drum sound on the bottom… Remember to try and let it cool for at least an hour…😀🙆🏻‍♀️ Enjoy!!!


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